About us,
Hello friends ,my name is Sumit  and I belongs to India.my passion and fashion is computer science .i like to post as much as possible .I am also interested in research like aerospace.our entire team wants to help the students  regarding their challenges faced in their subjects like physics,chemistry and maths.I have keen desire to work in ISRO (INDIAN SPACE RESEARCH ORGANISATION) to help India to develop more in the field of research and technology .till now I am studying and I am much interested towards studying books on physics and applying their observations concepts in our lifestyles.this is very interested study for me because when I apply physics in our lifestyles we get unlimited idea .
the aim of creating this blog is to provide answers of the questions being asked by the people in the field of science either in physics,aerospace ,chemistry and many more.i like to share my knowledge that I have gained so that other can also learn something to enjoy their studies.
I am also very interested in motivating students either by our stories or by our motivational videos or by another means if I have.
In this blog I have separated three sections means three separate page of physics,chemistry and mathematics so that student cannot face any difficulty in finding their questions as well as answer.I had also separated more pages to stay inspired as well as motivated.i have added many applications so that students can take help from our web aplications such as Google translate,dictionary ,tracing mobile no .as well as Wikipedia application to get more answer of the questions.
Stay updated we will add more facilities so that you may not face any difficulty in browsing my website.
At last I would like to say thAt please share my blog as much as possible so that other students can also get help from our website in the field of education.this will be very beneficial for all the students all over the world.
Stay inspired ,stay updated.

Thanks friend for visiting here.


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